Apple-Cinnamon Pudgy Pie
Super easy

I remember the first time I tasted a pie-iron pie. My sister buttered up two slices of white bread while I peeled a Macintosh apple. She sliced the apple thin, arranged it on slice of bread, and poured liberal amounts of white sugar and cinnamon over top. I couldn't believe the magic that came out of that fire! We did them with raspberry jam too. Mmmm.



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Category: Appetizers and Snacks Desserts Fruits, Vegetables
Seasons All Winter Autumn Summer Spring
Cuisine Type American


For 1 Serving(s)


1 tbsp butter, softened
2 slices white bread
1 small Macintosh apple, thinly sliced
2 tbsp cinnamon sugar

Apple-Cinnamon Pudgy Pie Directions

  1. Spread butter over bread slices; place 1 slice in a greased sandwich iron, buttered side down.
  2. Top with sliced apples, cinnamon sugar and remaining slice, buttered side up.
  3. Close iron.
  4. Cook over a hot campfire until golden brown, turning occasionally, 5-7 minutes.

Nutrition facts

Per Serving

Kcal: 341 kcal

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