Where to buy a Pudgy Pie Iron

How do you use campfire pie irons?

It's easy!

Butter your bread or use non-stick cooking spray if using bread dough or tortillas.

Add your ingredients making sure not to overfill or it will squeeze out into the fire, fold over the edges or cut off excess dough, close the top, and place over warm coals.

Meal Ideas

Keep your meals simple, side dishes easy, and clean up minimal.

Breakfast- Serve fresh fruit

Sandwiches- Serve with chips and fruit

Dinner- Serve with a bagged salad, store-bought pasta salad, or grilled corn on the cob (Wrap the corn in aluminum foil and throw on the fire)

Dessert- Duh! Gotta have dessert! 🙂 Serve with ice cream or whipped cream!