Where to buy a Pudgy Pie Iron

What can you cook in a pie iron?

You can cook breakfast sandwiches, grilled sandwiches, pizza, dessert, and more!  Put your imagination and taste buds to work.

Do you need to season pudgy pie irons?

  1. If it is cast iron, you will need to season it.
  2. Without proper seasoning, it will rust and food will stick during use.
  3. Your new cast iron pie iron will arrive with a coating of a thin layer of paraffin wax to prevent rusting prior to seasoning. It will need to be seasoned prior to first use.

If you have an aluminum pie iron, you do not need to season.

Here's how to season your campfire pudgy pie irons:

  1. Separate the pie iron and place it on a heated grill or fire for 10 minutes turning halfway through.
  2. Remove pie iron from the grill and let cool but while it is still warm, wash in warm soapy water scrubbing with a nylon brush to get the wax off.
  3. Put them back on the grill to dry, remove, and let it cool completely.
  4. Apply a good layer of vegetable shortening to all sides and put back in the grill bowl side up for 15 minutes, flipping them over halfway through.
  5. Remove, let cool and apply vegetable shortening again.
  6. You will repeat this process a total of four times.
  7. Each time you will notice the cast iron turning darker.
  8. Your pie iron is now seasoned and ready to make some tasty meals!